Makes 6 dozen 1" drops!

1 C. white sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1/4 C. packed brown sugar
1/2 C. butter or oleo
2 T. water
Candy Thermometer
Butter two large cookie sheets.
Combine sugars, and all other ingredients in a heavy, medium sized sauce pan.
Heat over medium heat stirring constantly until sugars dissolve.
Then cook without stirring to 290 on a candy thermometer.
A teaspoon of syrup will separate into threads that are hard but not brittle when dropped in cold water.
Remove from heat.
Drop hot syrup from tip of teaspoon onto cookie sheets to form 1" patties.
Let stand until cool and firm.
Store in a tightly covered container in a cool place.
To prevent patties sticking together, put wax paper between layers in container.